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Takaro is a multi-tenant application. Each tenant (domain) can only access their own data. This is done by using the domain column in the database.


Takaro uses PostgreSQL which strictly enforces the schema of the database. This means that any changes to the database schema must be done using migrations. Takaro uses Knex to manage migrations.

To run migrations, you can use the following commands:

# Run migrations up to the latest
docker compose exec takaro npm -w packages/app-api run db:migrate

# Roll back the latest migration
docker compose exec takaro npm -w packages/app-api run db:rollback


Takaro needs to store certain sensitive data in the database which must be protected. The pgcrypto PostgreSQL module is leveraged for this. This module will automatically get installed by app-api on boot up, if it is not already installed. Please note that if you are not using a standard PostgreSQL installation method, this module might not be available out-of-the-box for you.

Because encryption-related actions happen inside the database, that means that sensitive data is transmitted in clear text between the application and the database. You should securely connect to your database (e.g. using TLS) to prevent this data from being intercepted.


Some data needs to be read after it has been stored (like connection info for servers). For these types of data, a key is used to encrypt the data before it is stored in the database. This key is stored in the POSTGRES_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable and is used to encrypt and decrypt the data. This functionality uses the PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT and PGP_SYM_DECRYPT functions from the pgcrypto module.


Other data needs to be hashed (like API keys or passwords) and we do not need to read the actual value after the initial write. We only need to verify that the values are the same as some input. For these, we use the functions crypt() and gen_salt().