Function GameServerApiAxiosParamCreator

GameServerApi - axios parameter creator

  • Parameters

    • Optionalconfiguration: Configuration

    Returns {
        gameServerControllerBanPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, banPlayerInputDTO?: BanPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerCreate: ((gameServerCreateDTO?: GameServerCreateDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerExecuteCommand: ((id: string, commandExecuteInputDTO?: CommandExecuteInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetImport: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetInstalledModules: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetModuleInstallation: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetOne: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetPlayers: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGetTypes: ((options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerGiveItem: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, giveItemInputDTO?: GiveItemInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerImportFromCSMM: ((options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerInstallModule: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, moduleInstallDTO?: ModuleInstallDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerKickPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, kickPlayerInputDTO?: KickPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerListBans: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerRemove: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerSearch: ((gameServerSearchInputDTO?: GameServerSearchInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerSendMessage: ((id: string, messageSendInputDTO?: MessageSendInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerShutdown: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerTeleportPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, teleportPlayerInputDTO?: TeleportPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerTestReachability: ((gameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO?: GameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerTestReachabilityForId: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerUnbanPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerUninstallModule: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        gameServerControllerUpdate: ((id: string, gameServerUpdateDTO?: GameServerUpdateDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);

    • gameServerControllerBanPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, banPlayerInputDTO?: BanPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Ban a player from a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Ban player

        • (gameServerId, playerId, banPlayerInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • playerId: string
          • OptionalbanPlayerInputDTO: BanPlayerInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerCreate: ((gameServerCreateDTO?: GameServerCreateDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Create a gameserver Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS


        • (gameServerCreateDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • OptionalgameServerCreateDTO: GameServerCreateDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerExecuteCommand: ((id: string, commandExecuteInputDTO?: CommandExecuteInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Execute a raw command on a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Execute command

        • (id, commandExecuteInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • OptionalcommandExecuteInputDTO: CommandExecuteInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetImport: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Fetch status of an import from CSMM Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Get import

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetInstalledModules: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Get all module installations for a gameserver

      Get installed modules

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetModuleInstallation: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Get a module installation by id

      Get module installation

        • (gameServerId, moduleId, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • moduleId: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetOne: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Fetch a gameserver by id

      Get one

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetPlayers: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Fetch a list of players on a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: READ_PLAYERS

      Get players

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGetTypes: ((options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Fetch gameserver types (7dtd, Rust, ...)

      Get types

        • (options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerGiveItem: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, giveItemInputDTO?: GiveItemInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Give an item to a player. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Depending on the underlying game implementation, it's possible that the item is dropped on the ground instead of placed directly in the player's inventory. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Give item

        • (gameServerId, playerId, giveItemInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • playerId: string
          • OptionalgiveItemInputDTO: GiveItemInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerImportFromCSMM: ((options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Import a gameserver from CSMM. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Import from csmm

        • (options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerInstallModule: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, moduleInstallDTO?: ModuleInstallDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Install a module on a gameserver. If the module is already installed, it will be updated. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Install module

        • (gameServerId, moduleId, moduleInstallDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • moduleId: string
          • OptionalmoduleInstallDTO: ModuleInstallDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerKickPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, kickPlayerInputDTO?: KickPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Kick a player from a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Kick player

        • (gameServerId, playerId, kickPlayerInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • playerId: string
          • OptionalkickPlayerInputDTO: KickPlayerInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerListBans: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      List bans for a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      List bans

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerRemove: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Delete a gameserver Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS


        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerSearch: ((gameServerSearchInputDTO?: GameServerSearchInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Fetch gameservers


        • (gameServerSearchInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • OptionalgameServerSearchInputDTO: GameServerSearchInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerSendMessage: ((id: string, messageSendInputDTO?: MessageSendInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Send a message in gameserver chat. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Send message

        • (id, messageSendInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • OptionalmessageSendInputDTO: MessageSendInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerShutdown: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Shuts down the gameserver. This is a 'soft' shutdown, meaning the gameserver will be stopped gracefully. If the gameserver is not reachable, this will have no effect. Note that most hosting providers will automatically restart the gameserver after a shutdown, which makes this operation act as a 'restart' instead. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS


        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerTeleportPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, teleportPlayerInputDTO?: TeleportPlayerInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Teleport a player to a location. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Teleport player

        • (gameServerId, playerId, teleportPlayerInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • playerId: string
          • OptionalteleportPlayerInputDTO: TeleportPlayerInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerTestReachability: ((gameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO?: GameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Test if Takaro can connect to a gameserver. Will do a thorough check and report details.

      Test reachability

        • (gameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • OptionalgameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO: GameServerTestReachabilityInputDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerTestReachabilityForId: ((id: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Test if Takaro can connect to a gameserver. Will do a thorough check and report details.

      Test reachability for id

        • (id, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerUnbanPlayer: ((gameServerId: string, playerId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Unban a player from a gameserver. Requires gameserver to be online and reachable. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Unban player

        • (gameServerId, playerId, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • playerId: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerUninstallModule: ((gameServerId: string, moduleId: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Uninstall a module from a gameserver. This will not delete the module from the database. Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS

      Uninstall module

        • (gameServerId, moduleId, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • gameServerId: string
          • moduleId: string
          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • gameServerControllerUpdate: ((id: string, gameServerUpdateDTO?: GameServerUpdateDTO, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      Update a gameserver Required permissions: MANAGE_GAMESERVERS


        • (id, gameServerUpdateDTO?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string
          • OptionalgameServerUpdateDTO: GameServerUpdateDTO


          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>