Function addRequestDataToEvent

  • Add data from the given request to the given event


    • event: Event

      The event to which the request data will be added

    • req: PolymorphicRequest

      Request object

    • Optionaloptions: AddRequestDataToEventOptions
      • Optionaldeps?: {
            cookie: { parse: (cookieStr: string) => Record<string, string> };
            url: { parse: (urlStr: string) => { query: string | null } };

        Injected platform-specific dependencies

      • Optionalinclude?: {
            ip?: boolean;
            request?: boolean | typeof DEFAULT_REQUEST_INCLUDES[number][];
            transaction?: boolean | TransactionNamingScheme;
            user?: boolean | typeof DEFAULT_USER_INCLUDES[number][];

        Flags controlling whether each type of data should be added to the event

    Returns Event

    The mutated Event object