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Roles and permissions

In Takaro, roles are flexible and customizable according to the needs of the users. To start with, Takaro provides a set of default roles like 'Admin' and 'Moderator' These roles serve as a foundation upon which users can build and customize their roles.

The roles consist of multiple Permissions. Permissions in Takaro can be built-in, like "Manage modules" or "Read players", or dynamic Module permissions. Module permissions allow for a high degree of customization. They can be created based on installed/configured Modules. For example, a Module permission could be created to allow only moderators to set public teleports, or to allow only VIP users to be rewarded for zombie kills.

Roles can be assigned to Users and/or Players. User roles define what actions users can take on the API/dashboard of Takaro. Player roles control what actions can be taken in-game.

Players can be assigned Roles in two ways:

  1. Globally (Across All Game Servers): These roles are applicable across all game servers in Takaro. For example, if a player has a global role that allows them to USE_TELEPORTS, they can utilize this feature on every game server.

  2. Game-Server Specific: These roles are only applicable to a particular game server. For instance, a player might have a role on Game Server A that grants them the SET_TELEPORTS permission, but this doesn't grant them the same permission on Game Server B.

Additive Nature of Roles: It's important to note that player roles are cumulative. This means global roles and game-server specific roles combine to determine a player's total permissions. For clarity, consider the following scenario:

  • A player has a global role allowing USE_TELEPORTS.
  • The same player also has a game-server specific role on Game Server A allowing SET_TELEPORTS.

In this case, the player can use teleports on all servers due to their global role, but they can only set teleports on Game Server A because of their game-server specific role.

Timed roles

When assigning a role to a user or to a player, you can optionally specify an expiration date. This allows you to create timed roles that will automatically expire after a certain amount of time. This is useful for things like temporary bans or temporary VIP access.

System roles

There are 3 system roles that are automatically created when Takaro is installed and have special meaning


The root role is the most powerful role in Takaro. It has all permissions and cannot be deleted or modified. It is intended to be used for the initial setup of Takaro and should not be assigned to any users or players.

User and Player

The "User" and "Player" roles are automatically assigned to all users and players respectively. These roles cannot be deleted but permissions in the roles can be modified. These roles are intended to be used as a base for all users and players. "User" is used for any API-based checks while "Player" is used inside modules.