Interface ICommandJobData

interface ICommandJobData {
    arguments: Record<
        | number
        | boolean
        | PlayerOnGameserverOutputWithRolesDTO,
    chatMessage: EventChatMessage;
    domainId: string;
    functionId: string;
    gameServerId: string;
    itemId: string;
    module: ModuleInstallationOutputDTO;
    player: PlayerOutputWithRolesDTO;
    pog: PlayerOnGameserverOutputWithRolesDTO;
    trigger: string;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


arguments: Record<
    | number
    | boolean
    | PlayerOnGameserverOutputWithRolesDTO,
chatMessage: EventChatMessage
domainId: string
functionId: string
gameServerId: string

The id of the gameserver that triggered this job

itemId: string

The id of the item that triggered this job (cronjobId, commandId or hookId)

The module installation object, including the configs

trigger: string