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7 Days To Die

Install Allocs fixes

The new built-in 7 Days to Die API does not support all operations Takaro needs just yet. Takaro will switch to it once it's ready and drop support for the legacy Allocs Fixes API.

Setting Up Web API Credentials

Before Takaro can connect to your 7D2D server, you need to set up web API credentials. These credentials allow Takaro to authenticate and interact with your 7D2D server.

Connect to your server console via Telnet, web panel, or use the in-game F1 console.

# Check if you have any web tokens set up
webtokens list
# Create a new web token
webtokens add <name> <token> 0

Note: These credentials are sensitive, and you should treat them as a password. It is advised to use a combination of numbers, letters, lowercase, uppercase, as well as symbols.

Finding Your Web API Port

Finding your web API port is essential for connecting Takaro to your server. Here are two methods to find your port:

Via logs: Check the output log of your server during startup for a line similar to this: 2023-09-15T01:27:41 61.339 INF Started Webserver on 8082.

The number at the end is your port value.

How Takaro Connects to Your Server

Authentication Mechanism

When Takaro connects to your 7D2D server, it uses the web API credentials (token) you set up earlier for authentication. This token is passed in the API requests to authenticate and authorize Takaro to perform various operations on your server using the HTTP API.

Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Takaro uses Server-Sent Events (SSE) to receive real-time updates from the 7D2D server. This allows Takaro to be notified of changes and events occurring on the server without polling for information.